Robust and Proprietary Technology

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Applied Health Analytics bIQTM technology is a proprietary suite of software applications that is at the core of our capabilities. Our software applications are highly intuitive, provide robust data analytics, member engagement, program management, care coordination, incentive management, outcome reporting and data interoperability, all within a single platform. Our technology optimizes the collection and analysis of data to identify and mitigate risk, manage wellbeing initiatives and optimize workflow, all while enhancing payor mix and driving health system revenue. Our health management technology positions health systems as the leader in workforce health enhancement solutions.

“Applied Health Analytics’ software platform completely supports our employer initiative. Our salespeople, health coaches, client services personnel and system leadership all benefit from its intuitive design, analysis and functionality.  It sets us apart and keeps us ahead.”

Unity Point Health at Work


bIQ is our robust and proprietary technology.

bIQTM offers a full suite of applications within a single platform to help hospitals and health systems achieve data interoperability to assure the execution of an effective population health service line.

Member Engagement

  • Condition Management
  • Risk Stratification
  • Member Goals and Incentive Management
  • Clinical Documentation
  • Biometric Data Recording

Measurement and Reporting

  • Incentive Management
    and Reporting
  • Member and Employer Portals Expense Estimator:
    ROI Analysis
  • Single Source Technology Platform
  • Trending and Outcomes Reporting

Process Support Applications

  • Automated Biometric Screening
  • Data Integration
  • Custom Surveys
  • Event Registration
  • Online Material Ordering
  • Member Text and Email Communications