Positioning hospitals and health systems as the preferred providers of population health initiatives.

Applied Health Analytics provides strategy leadership, best-in-class technology and go-to-market support that orients provider-centric population health initiatives, direct-to-employer strategies and risk-based contracting.

Today’s employers understand their role as the purchaser of healthcare services and are demanding more from healthcare providers.

As employers look to reverse the impact of rising health benefit expense, they seek innovative partnerships that mitigate risk and enhance employee health. Hospitals and health systems are well positioned to satisfy employer demand for population health initiatives, and in partnership with Applied Health Analytics, they harness the technology and experience necessary to successfully fulfill the demand of the commercial market.
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On-site clinics, wellness vendors, analytics firms and insurer-owned providers now seek to partner with employers.
This opens the door for hospitals and health systems to enter the employer marketplace and leverage their community presence, strategy expertise and service alignment to provide a higher level of intervention and achieve better outcomes.
How a Partnership Can Benefit Your Hospital or Health System.

Providing an end-to-end solution for population health management services, a partnership with Applied Health Analytics will achieve the following outcomes:

Positions the health system to satisfy increasing employer demand for population health services, particularly among those choosing a self-funded health plan design.
Produces a targeted distribution channel for the development of narrow networks, on-site clinics, direct contracting and expansion of bundled payment initiatives.

Delivers a vehicle for optimizing fee-for-service revenue while transitioning from volume to value-based care.

Increase referrals to the system’s employed physician enterprise, including both PCPs and specialists.

Drive new revenue growth and enhance reimbursement quality from commercially insured consumers.

Applied Health Analytics partners with hospitals and health systems across the United States to deliver evidence-based and risk stratified member engagement technology developed to identify individual health risks and align these risks with client-provided services.


Keep It Simple: Too Many Players, Not Enough Caring

Keep It Simple: Too Many Players, Not Enough Caring

When one thinks about the healthcare industrial complex and the amount of money being generated by for-profit organizations administering the provision of care, the result can be mind boggling. Without even including the professionals who place their hands on the...

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